History Event – Power and Policy, Nov. 19
By Henry Street Settlement

RSVPs have CLOSED for this event. Thank you for your interest! We will stream this event live on our Facebook page if you are not able to attend.
What exactly is the ULURP process? How did redlining in the 1930s shape this neighborhood and in what ways is the area still affected by those policies and practices? How does public housing factor into all this? In an area with such extreme income disparity, in what ways can residents still shape their own neighborhood and hold policy makers and developers responsible?
Panelists Lena Afridi, Francisca Benítez, Braden Crooks, Marika Dias, and Samuel Stein will grapple with these questions and more at Power and Policy on the Lower East Side on November 19 at NEW LCOATION – Abrons Arts Center.