Team Henry to Run the New York City Marathon November 3
By Henry Street Settlement

Left to right: Runners Adam Varano, Jack Marshall, Caroline Perkins, Katie Kelley, Stella Thomas, and and Henry Street team member Jeremy Reiss.
Five first-time TCS New York City Marathon runners and a returning runner will join the race on Sunday, November 3, 2024, as Henry Street charity partners. Many thanks to Adam, Caroline, Hanna, Jack, Katie, and Stella for your incredible support for the Settlement!
This year, the runners are getting coaching and moral support from Jeremy Reiss, Henry Street’s executive vice president for partnerships and innovation, who is looking forward to running his fifteenth Marathon in November. Jeremy—who has run the course from Boston to Berlin and is certified as a coach by Road Runners of America—says, “When you cross the finish line, you can’t believe you did it, and you might never want to run one again, but then, of course, many of us do. The whole experience is amazing.”
Jeremy’s top tips for the runners:
- Stick to your plan. If you go out conservatively, you’ll end up passing people, because most people get caught up in the excitement and go out faster than they had planned.
- Take in the crowds. If you do that, you don’t even need to listen to music.
- Know that it’s gonna hurt. If anyone tells you that mile 20 isn’t going to hurt they’re lying. But pain is temporary. Just focus on the mile ahead of you.
- Nutrition is important. Make sure you drink water and eat some gels before you need them. Carb up the whole week before the race, not the night before.
- Do a dress rehearsal on the actual course, where you eat, dress, and do everything just like you will in the real marathon.
- Take the ferry to Staten Island and bring warm clothes to wear while you wait for the starting siren; the organizers will give them to charity.
- Plan on taking the subway home, because Ubers will be hard to find.
Henry Street has been an official charity partner of the TCS New York City Marathon since 2016. Each runner on Team Henry commits to raising $3,000 for the Settlement ahead of their 26.2 mile course. Keep scrolling to learn more about this year’s runners!
Click to donate to Team Henry
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Hanna BarishHanna is a graduate student in anthropology at The New School. Originally from Michigan, she started running as a way to improve physical and mental health. “I really resonated with Henry Street’s well-rounded approach to community services when I became familiar with the organization during the pandemic,” she says, “and feel beyond grateful for the opportunity to fundraise for its mission this year.” |
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Katie KelleyKatie was a tennis player growing up in a family of runners. But after moving to New York more than a year ago from the Bay Area, she was struck by the strength of the running culture here. An account exec for a creative consultancy, Katie knew Henry Street from running past our Boys & Girls Republic youth community center on the East Side. |
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Jack MarshallOriginally from Long Island, Jack, who works for a video game company in Times Square, says his friends “peer pressured” him into running his first marathon. Long a fitness buff, he says that “running is harder than lifting weights,” but he has run a few halfs. |
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Caroline PerkinsCaroline runs in Prospect Park. “The Marathon has been a bucket list item since I moved to the city,” she says. Caroline, an independent art advisor, learned about Henry Street through the Art Dealers Association of America, Henry Street’s partner in The Art Show fundraiser each year. |
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Stella ThomasBorn on the Lower East Side, Stella got into running when she moved to the Upper West Side in 2022, wanting to make the most of her proximity to Central Park. “Watching it the first time was so inspiring” that she went right out and ran 10 miles. This year, she ran her first half marathon. Says Stella, “I benefited from the kinds of public school programs that Henry Street supports.” |
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Adam VaranoFrom upstate New York, Adam started running as a child. He now works in Midtown Manhattan as a producer at SiriusXM. Adam strongly believes in the work and mission of Henry Street Settlement and is thrilled to be running with Team Henry. He lives in Brooklyn with his fiancé and an abundance of houseplants. |