Volunteers Bring Holiday Cheer
By Nicole Fogarty

Above: A volunteer from The Serhant Team at Nest Seekers International making gingerbread houses with youth from one of HSS’s after-school programs.
It’s been a busy month on Henry Street, full of volunteers donating time and resources to the Settlement’s programs, with over 20 events and gift distributions from over a dozen corporate partners. Keep reading for a holiday event wrap-up, and check out some pictures here – warning, photos may cause cravings for gingerbread houses!
Fir Tree Partners kicked off the season with their much-anticipated annual holiday parties for senior clients of Good Companions Senior Center and students at the Early Childhood Education Center.
Fir Tree Partners President Jeff Tannenbaum serving the meal at the Seniors Holiday Party.
Credit Suisse hosted a holiday party for the Urban Family Center and three Gingerbread House Building parties for after-school programs at Manhattan Charter School, P.S. 134, and P.S. 20.
Members of Henry Street’s Board of Directors and Friends with Benefits hosted a gingerbread house holiday pizza party for the youth of the Urban Family Center.
JP Morgan Chase hosted a holiday party for the Settlement’s Transitional and Supportive Housing Employment program and a holiday party at Helen’s House.
LiveIntent brought the fun with a Holiday Youth Party for the Urban Family Center.
The Serhant Team of Nest Seekers International took a break from selling houses and built some (gingerbread) houses with the after-school and early childhood education programs at 301 Henry Street.
Emilia Bechrakis and Ryan Serhant take turns helping build a gingerbread house.
BNY Mellon and Moody’s built gingerbread houses with the after-school program at P.S. 20.
Macy’s hosted a holiday party and distributed gifts at the Early Childhood Education Center.
An elf from Macy’s helps kids at the Early Childhood Center with holiday temporary tattoos.
Deloitte hosted mock interviews, a career panel, and networking lunch at their offices for participants of the Young Adult Internship Program.
Allen & Overy donated gift cards and a Chinese food dinner and movie tickets to the Boys & Girls Republic.
Guggenheim Partners built gingerbread houses with after-school at P.S. 134.
Hill & Knowlton capped off the parties with a Holiday Party at Henry Street’s Supportive Housing shelter.
TD Securities distributed gifts on Christmas at the Urban Family Center, the domestic violence shelter, and Helen’s House.
Built by Flaws distributed gifts at the Early Childhood Center.
NBCUniversal facilitated a coat drive for the Community Consultation Center.
Wells Fargo facilitated a coat drive for Helen’s House.
CME Group donated holiday gifts for kindergarten through 3rd graders at the Boys and Girls Republic.
Deutsche Bank provided 50 gifts for the children of the Urban Family Center.
In addition, we held our yearly “joy drive,” where a huge collection of supporters, individuals, and companies purchased gifts for some of the 350 children living in the Settlement’s homeless shelters.
A huge thank you to all our wonderful friends, donors, volunteers and corporate partners for helping to make the holidays merry and bright for everyone at the Settlement. We’re already counting down the days until next December!
Spider-men, a cat, and two winter princesses (HSS Executive Director David Garza) at Fir Tree Partners’ Holiday Carnival.